Senin, 15 Maret 2010
Nokia 5130 Xpress Music
Nokia 5130 Xpress Music
Okay, from the recorded pretty neat design. But, the keypad was less mennggembirakan. Alphanumeric keys seem a bit cheap and slippery.
In contrast to the previous product XpressMusic, Nokia 5130 is not raised by the open operating system. This means there is no system in the Symbian phone. Platform developers who use the Nokia 5130 is a Series 40 Nokia fifth edition, feature pack 1. That is, this is a closed operating system that runs Nokia's technology based on java MIDP 2.1.
Nokia mobile phone screen is a bit disappointing, which is claimed as a type of TFT but the quality looks like a CSTN). Through the 18-bit color depth (262,144) plus a resolution of 320x240 pixels looks less maximal.
Competitive Features
Music Player
Although not running on an open operating system, the Nokia 5130 XpressMusic is still a phone. Thus, Nokia has invested a number of codecs that are pre-installed in order to support several formats of music. Among them is the AAC, AAC +, AMR, eAAC, eAAC +, MP3, MP4 and WMA.
The music player itself is multitasking. This means that, even if we get out of this application to check the sms for example, the music kept going. To control it, we live-pressing a dedicated button. There are 3 buttons on the left side of the phone, which is prev, and next play.
Quality of output through the speaker phone China mobile phone-style voice. His voice is loud, powerful and sometimes feels 'shrill'. Even so, in fact this side that are sought after by music phone users. Some need to listen to music with friends, or simply accompany a nap and when studying.
Sound output via the headset (3.5 mm audio jack) the quality is quite good. For those who do not really like the sound nge-bass then mobile phone headset is innate needs. But if the desired output voice sounded fuller and better, it is advisable to use a headset other alternatives.
You can adjust the output quality via the regulator equalizer. There are some presets in the Nokia 5130. Could be added 2 new equalizer settings to taste. That is, the problem is not on the quality of the music player the Nokia 5130.
Other Multimedia
In addition to the music player the Nokia 5130 with 2-megapixel digital camera. Without auto focus and flash, this camera somewhat reckless and just there. The result is quite good, especially for outdoor photos. Moreover, this camera can also be used for video recording standard. Small resolution (CIF) with a frame rate of 15 fps.
Besides that, there are FM radio and video player in 3gp and MP4 format. Although the Nokia 5130 internal memory is relatively small, only 30 MB, including pre-installed applications, this phone has a MicroSD slot for additional memory. The maximum capacity that can be accommodated to reach 2 GB. Enough for some videos mpeg-4.
Internet and Browser
Nokia 5130 is not being targeted for businesses, but Internet access remains well supplied. It's just these phone users be satisfied with the speed of GPRS and EDGE. Not as fast as 3G but capable enough to browse some web sites. Well, as a means of opening its Web site, Nokia brings with it the browser that is reliable enough OperaMini.
With the Internet we can oust the program the phone to arrange our email account. Whatever our email protocols, POP3 kah, kah IMAP or SMTP can still be set in this device.
As a means of connecting the phone with another device, the Nokia 5130 provides a software microUSB port USB and Bluetooth version 2.0 latest version (2.0 + EDR). Exchanging business files can be done without problems. Including listening to music via a stereo Bluetooth headset.
To access the Bluetooth headset made from the music player. Where we have to press option and then choose to listen via Bluetooth headset.
Nokia 5130 XpressMusic supported Li-Ion Battery 1020 mAh. A fairly large size for mobile phones without 3G and other energy-intensive features. Practically, this capacity is dedicated for the purpose of most music players. Naturally, if the music player is not too much use, this phone can survive long enough, up to 3 days in one charging.
Side speaker design and quality similar seem tacky Chinese phone. However, it is not a bad thing. There is a market segment that wanted something like that. With the price of Rp 1 million, only natural that these conditions actually appear in this phone. A unique strategy with a new approach.
The lack of network features may be a bit obscure, given the many 3G phones with the same price range also not lose yahud the multimedia side. But the Nokia 5130 remains a Nokia product. Any strategy can be fruitful when buying 'big names' which is the reason you are.
Sony Ericsson W995
Sony Ericsson W995
BlackBerry Curve 8520 Gemini
BlackBerry Curve 8520 Gemini
Nokia 2730 Classic
Ordinary does not mean no one can unseeded. Despite its presence in markets far from the impression of 'well', the Nokia 2730 Classic had kept hidden potential. Targeting the untapped gaps in the low end market, the latest series of Nokia is ready to capture enthusiasts.
If you view the ability of the Nokia 2730 Classic as a whole, in fact nothing was too prominent. However, in his class this phone is actually quite attractive thanks to top class messaging capabilities and 3G network support equal.
Phone display is very simple and not all kinds. Like other classical types. Rod aka candybar design, half over the front of the polished glossy black plastic combined gilt metal color.
Problem Screen, Nokia seemed to feel quite injected with the power of TFT LCD 262,144 million colors (320 x 240 pixels) display with a diagonal of 2 inches.
Series 40 user interface on the Nokia 6730 Classic is relying on a model similar icons Symbian S60 3rd Edition FP latest. Although no attractive animation effects, it is displayed the menu grid quite satisfactory.
Without the need to position ourselves as a multimedia phone, the Nokia 2730 Classic completeness in this sector can still be relied upon. Not current but the technology still has not stuck behind the times.
Backed with a 2 megapixel camera but without autofocus or flash. Image sharpness and color composition not as good as the 2-megapixel camera phone other Nokia 5230 XpressMusic such. Moreover, on this phone viewfinder narrow, so the camera angle that captured not so wide.
To record a video, this camera can only record limited to 176x144 pixels (CIF) with a maximum frame rate of 10 fps. Videos will appear in 3gp format that can be played through a standard video player.
ConnectivityDespite playing in the 2730 Classic low end segment, but treats to access data services on this phone worth calculated. With classmate 3G roaming capabilities, this phone can browse the website at maximum speed 128/384 kbps (upload / download).
To support access to cyberspace, the Nokia 2730 Classic is equipped Opera Mini 4.1. As a result faster data access than innate browser used the Finnish vendor. In addition, the performance of data compression has Opera Mini is better so that the cost of GPRS is more efficient.
Speaking of data transfer, 2730 Classic is equipped with Bluetooth A2DP support for moving files or documents wirelessly. Also available port data cable for data transfer via PC. Nokia 2730 Classic can also be used as a modem though a low end phone.
In terms of messaging and email, the Nokia 2730 Classic classified as complete in its class. The email form feature of this phone really optimized. Once access to the user's email menu presented with many choices ranging from Ovi Mail, AIM Mail, AOL Mail, Windows Live Hotmail, Yahoo Mail and Gmail.
Interestingly, users can add several accounts at once in each email service provider. Also accounts outside email services like Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail and others, users can add their own account.
In addition, it entered the e-mail account, users can take advantage of various features ranging from Open, Reply, Quick Reply, Delete, Delete Many, New Compose, Forward, Mark Unread, Save Address, Move, Folders, E-mail alerts, Signature, Setting , Help, and Refresh.
Special Mail Ovi, Nokia provides special access to get a new email in Ovi Get Mail. Also Ovi services integrated instant messaging that can be accessed in the messaging menu> IMs.Hardware
This phone's internal memory of 30 MB is claimed, but because of its split, the remaining for storage of only about 12.3 MB. Fortunately provided an external memory slot for microSD cards with a maximum capacity of 2GB.
To support mobile activities, the vendor provides a lithium ion battery with 1050 mAh capacity. For class Classic 2730, it provided support of this battery is enough. In normal use, the battery can hold 2 days of each pengecasan maximum. (*)
excess :3G, lengkaap messaging support (direct access email accounts such as Ovi, Yahoo, Gmail, etc), Nokia Maps, 3.5-mm audio port, Opera Mini
deficiency :Standard multimedia features, unusual design, the small screen.
Nokia 2730 Classic
Jika menilik kemampuan Nokia 2730 Classic secara keseluruhan, sebenarnya tak ada yang terlalu menonjol. Namun, di kelasnya ponsel ini sebenarnya cukup memikat berkat kemampuan messaging papan atas serta dukungan jaringan setara 3G.
Tampilan ponsel ini sangat sederhana dan tak macam-macam. Layaknya tipe klasik lainnya. Disain candybar alias batang, separuh lebih bagian depan dipoles plastik glossy berwarna hitam dipadukan sepuhan warna logam.
Soal layar, Nokia sepertinya merasa cukup menyuntikkan LCD TFT dengan kekuatan 262.144 juta warna (320 x 240 pixel) pada display dengan diagonal 2 inci.
Tampilan antarmuka Series 40 pada Nokia 6730 Classic sudah mengandalkan ikon yang mirip model Symbian S60 3rd Edition FP terbaru. Meski tanpa efek animasi atraktif, rasanya menu grid yang tertampil cukup memuaskan.
Tanpa harus memposisikan diri sebagai ponsel multimedia, kelengkapan Nokia 2730 Classic di sektor ini tetap bisa diandalkan. Tidak mutakhir tapi teknologi yang ditancapkan masih belum ketinggalan jaman.
Didukung dengan kamera 2 megapiksel namun tanpa autofokus ataupun lampu kilat. Ketajaman gambar dan komposisi warna tak sebagus pada kamera ponsel 2 megapiksel lain semisal Nokia 5230 XpressMusic. Apalagi viewfinder pada ponsel ini sempit, sehingga sudut yang tertangkap kamera tak begitu luas.
Untuk merekam video, kamera ini hanya mampu merekam sebatas 176x144 pixels (CIF) dengan frame rate maksimum 10 fps. Video akan muncul dalam format 3gp yang bisa diputar lewat video player standar.
Meski 2730 Classic bermain di segmen low end, namun suguhan untuk akses layanan data pada ponsel ini layak diperhitungkan. Dengan kemampuan jelajah sekelas 3G, ponsel ini mampu menelusuri website pada kecepatan maksimal 128/384 kbps (upload/download).
Untuk menunjang akses dunia maya, Nokia 2730 Classic dipersenjatai Opera Mini 4.1. Alhasil akses data lebih cepat ketimbang browser bawaan yang biasa dipakai vendor Finlandia tersebut. Selain itu, kinerja kompresi data yang dimiliki Opera Mini lebih baik sehingga biaya GPRS lebih irit.
Berbicara transfer data, 2730 Classic dilengkapi Bluetooth yang mendukung A2DP untuk memindahkan file atau dokumen secara nirkabel. Juga tersedia port kabel data untuk mentransfer data via PC. Nokia 2730 Classic bisa juga dimanfaatkan sebagai modem meski merupakan ponsel low end.
Dalam hal messaging dan email, Nokia 2730 Classic tergolong lengkap di kelasnya. Fitur email pada ponsel ini benar-benar dioptimalkan. Begitu mengakses menu email maka pengguna disodori banyak pilihan mulai dari Ovi Mail, AIM Mail, AOL Mail, Windows Live Hotmail, Yahoo Mail dan Gmail.
Hal menarik, pengguna bisa menambah beberapa akun sekaligus di masing-masing penyedia layanan email. Juga akun di luar layanan email seperti Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail dan lain-lain, pengguna bisa menambahkan akun tersendiri.
Selain itu, begitu memasuki akun email, pengguna bisa memanfaatkan berbagai fitur mulai dari Open, Reply, Quick Reply, Delete, Delete Many, Compose New, Forward, Mark Unread, Save Adress, Move, Folders, E-mail alerts, Signature, Setting, Help dan Refresh.
Khusus Ovi Mail, Nokia menyediakan akses khusus untuk mendapatkan email baru di Get Ovi Mail. Juga layanan instant messaging Ovi terintegrasi yang bisa diakses di menu messaging > IMs.Hardware
Memori internal ponsel ini diklaim sebesar 30 MB, namun karena sifatnya terbagi, yang tersisa untuk penyimpanan hanya sekitar 12,3 MB. Untung disediakan slot memori eksternal untuk kartu microSD dengan kapasitas maksimal 2GB.
Untuk penunjang aktivitas ponsel, vendor menyediakan baterai lithium ion dengan kapasitas 1050 mAh. Untuk kelas 2730 Classic, rasanya support yang diberikan baterai ini sudah cukup. Dalam pemakaian normal, baterai sanggup bertahan 2 hari setiap pengecasan maksimal.(*)
kelebihan: 3G, support messaging lengkaap (akses langsung akun email seperti Ovi, Yahoo, Gmail, dll), Nokia Maps, port audio 3,5 mm, Opera Mini
kekurangan: Fitur multimedia standar, disain biasa, layar kecil.
Sony Ericsson J105 Naite
Sony Ericsson J105 Naite
Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010
Samsung S8500 Wave
Network: Quadband GSM & 3G HSDPA; Dimensions: 118 x 56 x 10.9 mm; Screen: Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors, 480 x 800 pixels, 3.3 inches; Memory: 2GB/8GB internal, MicroSD (TransFlash) up to 32GB ; Camera: 5 MP, 2592 x 1944 pixels, autofocus, LED flash video 720p, video light; 10 GPRS (4 +1 / 3 +2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps, EDGE 10, 236.8 kbps, 3G HSDPA; Wi - Fi 802.11 b / g / n; Bluetooth v3.0 (A2DP), microUSB port v2.0 OS: Bada; SMS, MMS, Email, Push Email Palringo IM; Browser: WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML; Java: MIDP 2.0; GPS: A-GPS; Stereo FM radio RDS, downloadable, Purple, Google Maps 3.0, Image editor, MP3/WMA/eAAC + player, Xvid/DivX/MP4/H.263/H.264 player, Organizer, Voice memo, T9 ; Battery standard: Li-Ion 1500 mAh
Samsung S8500 Wave
Jaringan : QuadBand GSM & & 3G HSDPA; Dimensi : 118 x 56 x 10.9 mm; Layar : Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors, 480 x 800 pixels, 3.3 inci; Memory: internal 2GB/8GB, MicroSD (TransFlash) up to 32GB; Kamera: 5 MP, 2592 x 1944 pixels, autofocus, LED flash video 720p, video light; GPRS 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps, EDGE 10, 236.8 kbps, 3G HSDPA; Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n; Bluetooth v3.0 (A2DP), port microUSB v2.0 OS : Bada; SMS, MMS, Email, Push Email Palringo IM; Browser: WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML; Java : MIDP 2.0; GPS : A-GPS; Stereo FM radio RDS, downloadable Purple, Google Maps 3.0, Image editor, MP3/WMA/eAAC+player, Xvid/DivX/MP4/H.263/H.264 player, Organizer, Voice memo, T9; Baterai standar: Li-Ion 1500 mAh
LG KH5200 Andro-1
This phone is the result of the upgrade of LG GW620. LG KH5200 claim Andro-1 is the second mobile phone in South Korea that operates the Google Mobile OS platform.
Targeting the local market, LG KT linking local vendors. As planned, this latest offering will slide in the South Korean market this week. On price, Motorola will sell it for 600,000 won or around
To meet the global market, Motorola is the latest portfolio will be in the upcoming November release, especially in Europe. However, it seems LG have not planned to enter the U.S. market
Network: Quadband GSM & 3G; Dimensions: 109 x 54 x 15.9 mm, 139; Screen: TFT resistive touchscreen, 256K warba 320 x 480 pixels, 3.0 inches Memory: 170 MB, M icroSD / 32GB; Camera: 5 MP, 2560 x 1920 pixels, autofocus, LED flash, Video D1 (720x480) @ 30fps; Data: GPRS Class 10 / 32 - 48 kbps, EDGE Class 10, 236.8 kbps 3G HSDPA; Bluetooth v2.0 with A2DP, Wi-Fi WLAN 802.11 b / g; OS: Android OS; SMS, MMS, Email, IM, Push Email; Browser: WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML; FM-RDS radio, MP3/WAV/eAAC + / WMA player, MP4/DviX/WMV/H. 263/H.264 player; GPS Java, MIDP 2.0; Document viewer (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF), Organizer, Photo / video editor, Voice memo; Battery: Standard Li-Po 1500 mAh
LG KH5200 Andro-1
Membidik pasar lokal, LG gandeng vendor setempat KT. Sesuai rencana, keluaran terbaru ini akan meluncur di pasar Korea Selatan minggu ini. Soal harga, LG akan menjualnya dengan harga 600,000 won atau sekitar Rp. 4.938.300,-.
Untuk memenuhi pasar global, portofolio terbaru LG ini akan segera di rilis November mendatang, terutama di Eropa. Namun, nampaknya LG belum berencana untuk memasukkanya di pasar Amerika.
Jaringan : Quadband GSM & 3G; Dimensi : 109 x 54 x 15.9 mm, 139; Layar: TFT resistive touchscreen, 256K warba 320 x 480 pixels, 3.0 inci; Memori : 170 MB, M icroSD/ 32GB; Kamera : 5 MP, 2560 x 1920 piksel, autofocus, LED flash, Video D1(720x480)@30fps; Data : GPRS Class 10/ 32 - 48 kbps, EDGE Class 10, 236.8 kbps 3G HSDPA; Bluetooth v2.0 with A2DP, WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g; OS : Android OS; SMS, MMS, Email, IM, Push Email; Browser : WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML; FM radio –RDS, MP3/WAV/eAAC+/WMA player, MP4/DviX/WMV/H.263/H.264 player; GPS Java, MIDP 2.0; Document viewer (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF), Organizer, Photo/video editor, Voice memo; Baterai : standar Li-Po 1500 mAh
Senin, 08 Februari 2010
Sony Ericsson Satio
However, according to the class, this phone has a series of unique features and facilities. Starting from the camera with a large capacity, up to the latest technologies grafted into the phone. For Internet access business, is also equipped with HSDPA and HSUPA. Gesture control the other advantages of this phone. Game is one of the means to feel that one function of this control. As if the pace is in satisfactory phone SonyEricsson lovers? Check out the following reviews MOBILE.
This phone comes in several color choices. In silver products, minimalist design brings even less elegant charm of this luxury phone. Choice of shiny silver-matte product impression is made of tin. However, the design criteria ergonomic curve. Comfortable held and not easily slip from his fingers.
Wow, it's worth the phone screen thumbs up. 3.5-inch screen size with a wealth ratio, 360 x 640 pixels capable of displaying a solid image. Used to display color images with a density high enough, this phone can do it well. Play video with sparkling effect can also be executed correctly by the screen of this phone. Sensitivity of touch screen is also easier for you when accessing a function.
Here's one of the reliable features of this phone. Music player, movie player and the radio is lined multimedia functions you can use. Although not come from a family W (walkman series), but this phone is excellent for playing music. Play video can do well. Not only that, YouTube and podcasts also available on video channels on this phone. Meanwhile, to help you search for songs or lyrics, TrackID is ready for use with the optimum.
Well, here's the key feature of this phone. No half-hearted, a resolution of 12 Megapixels embedded in this phone. Camera attributes were classified as complete, ranging from auto reviews, macros to geotag any available. Stock available at any camera functions spelled out a lot. So, you can capture a variety of images with various effects. It's just that, when used in the lighting in the room is less, the image produced by this camera is a bit dark, and auto flash is activated.
Internet is no longer just accessories to decorate his presence alone. Internet functions on this phone feels so optimal. In addition to the easy setting, attribute adequate browser, navigation has also really help you in surfing in cyberspace. With the availability of adequate connection, a web page can be opened in an optimal in 3 seconds loading time.
Existence of sophistication of this phone is clearly visible when playing the game. Gesture control owned this phone will be felt while playing the game. Well, for business entertainment, including games, Sony Ericsson has provided a special web channel can be visited to have the desired game. www. / entertainmentasia is a facility provided by SonyEricsson for you in terms of a type of entertainment content (games and movies).
This is a facility or feature that will help to synchronize email and subfolders safely. This application in principle is a protocol that is connected to Microsoft Exchange Server (corporate email). Not only email, calendar, contacts, tasks and attachments can also be synchronized by the Exchange Server RoadSync predefined. The arrangement was simple, stay put parameters on the fields, then the synchronization point was immediately available.
A series of premium wireless connectivity features possessed by this phone. You can select it based on the required functionality. Associated with internet connection, a connection type that can be used is GPRS, 3G and WiFi. The third connection is capable of performing the task with prime. To open a web page capacity of 150 kb using a GPRS, the phone call takes over 7 seconds.
EMAIL and Messaging
For this criterion, once again shows the reliability of this phone. Easy email settings. Simply enter the email account and password, then the phone will immediately connect to the verification process and synchronization. Afterwards, the mobile phone can be used as a mailbox that is ready to accommodate e-mails belong to you. The virtual keys that sensitivity measured with hints of characters, adding ease of exchanging emails and short messages.
Sony Ericsson Satio but able to function as a communication device, he was able to act as a reliable catcher image. 12 Megapixel camera capacity believed to be able to accompany the user in a hunting adventure picture. Multimedia and gaming functions owned by the phone is also very adequate.