Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Nokia 5130 Xpress Music

Bentukannya masih serupa keluarga XpressMusic yang lain, candybar. Material bahannya dibikin lebih ringan, tipis dan cenderung bak mainan. Ponsel ini memiliki corong speaker, dengan lubang-lubang kecil pada casing belakang yang dilapisi membran tipis. Pengaturannya sedemikian rupa, hingga mampu menghasilkan output suara yang kencang.

Oke, dari sisi disain tercatat lumayan apik. Tapi, sisi keypad ternyata kurang mennggembirakan. Tombol alfanumerik terkesan murahan dan sedikit licin.

Berbeda dengan produk XpressMusic yang sebelumnya, Nokia 5130 tidak diasuh oleh sistem operasi terbuka. Artinya tidak ada sistem Symbian di ponsel ini. Platform pengembang yang digunakan Nokia 5130 adalah seri 40 Nokia edisi ke-lima, feature pack 1. Artinya, ini merupakan sistem operasi tertutup milik Nokia yang berjalan berdasarkan teknologi java MIDP 2.1.

Layar ponsel Nokia ini sedikit mengecewakan, dimana diklaim sebagai jenis TFT namun kualitasnya tampak seperti CSTN). Lewat kedalaman warna 18 bit (262.144) plus resolusi 320x240 piksel terlihat kurang maksimal.

Fitur Unggulan

Pemutar Musik
Meski tidak berjalan di sebuah sistem operasi terbuka, Nokia 5130 tetaplah sebuah ponsel XpressMusic. Dengan demikian Nokia telah menanamkan sejumlah codec yang bersifat pre-instal agar bisa mendukung beberapa format musik. Diantaranya adalah AAC, AAC+, AMR, eAAC, eAAC+, MP3, MP4 dan WMA.

Pemutar musiknya sendiri bersifat multitasking. Artinya, meskipun kita keluar dari aplikasi ini untuk mengecek sms misalnya, musik tetap berjalan. Untuk mengontrolnya, kita tinggal menekan tombol-tombol yang terdedikasi. Ada 3 tombol di sisi kiri ponsel, yakni prev, play dan next.

Kualitas output melalui speaker ponsel terdengar ala ponsel Cina. Suaranya keras, bertenaga dan kadang terasa ‘cempreng’. Meski begitu, malah justru sisi ini yang banyak dicari oleh pengguna ponsel musik. Beberapa memerlukannya untuk mendengarkan alunan musik bersama teman, atau sekedar menemani tidur siang dan saat belajar.

Output suara via headset (jack audio 3,5 mm) kualitasnya cukup baik. Bagi yang tidak terlalu suka suara nge-bass maka headset bawaan ponsel ini sudah memenuhi kebutuhan. Tapi bila diinginkan suara keluaran terdengar lebih penuh dan lebih baik, maka disarankan menggunakan alternatif headset lain.

Anda bisa mengatur kualitas output via pengatur equalizer. Ada beberapa preset di Nokia 5130. Bisa pula ditambahkan 2 setingan equalizer baru sesuai selera. Artinya, permasalahan bukan pada kualitas player musik Nokia 5130.

Multimedia Lain
Selain pemutar musik Nokia 5130 membawa kamera digital 2 megapixel. Tanpa auto fokus dan flash, kamera ponsel ini terbilang nekat dan sekedar ada. Hasilnya cukup baik, khususnya untuk foto outdoor. Lagipula kamera ini juga bisa digunakan untuk merekam video standar. Resolusinya kecil (CIF) dengan frame rate 15 fps.

Disamping itu, ada radio FM dan pemutar video dalam format 3gp dan MP4. Meski memori internal Nokia 5130 terbilang kecil, hanya 30 MB termasuk aplikasi pre-instal, ponsel ini memiliki slot MicroSD sebagai memori tambahan. Kapasitas maksimum yang bisa ditampung mencapai 2 GB. Cukup untuk beberapa video mpeg-4.

Internet dan Browser
Nokia 5130 memang bukan disasar untuk kalangan bisnis, namun akses internet tetap disediakan dengan baik. Hanya saja pengguna ponsel ini harus puas dengan kecepatan GPRS dan EDGE. Tidak secepat 3G namun sudah cukup mumpuni untuk browsing beberapa situs web. Nah, sebagai sarana membuka situs web-nya, Nokia membawa serta browser yang cukup handal yaitu OperaMini.

Dengan jaringan internet inipun kita bisa mendaulat ponsel untuk mengurus akun email kita. Apapun protokol email kita, POP3 kah, IMAP kah atau SMTP tetap bisa diset dalam perangkat ini.

Sebagai sarana penghubung ponsel dengan perangkat lain, Nokia 5130 menyediakan port microUSB dengan software USB versi 2.0 dan Bluetooth versi teranyar (2.0 + EDR). Urusan berkirim file bisa dilakukan tanpa masalah. Termasuk mendengarkan musik via headset Bluetooth stereo.

Untuk akses headset Bluetooth dilakukan dari pemutar musik. Dimana kita harus menekan option lalu memilih untuk mendengarkannya via headset Bluetooth.

Nokia 5130 XpressMusic didukung baterai Li-Ion 1020 mAh. Ukuran yang terbilang besar untuk ponsel tanpa 3G dan fitur boros energi lain. Praktis, kapasitas ini didedikasikan paling banyak untuk keperluan pemutar musik. Wajar jika pemutar musik tidak terlalu banyak digunakan, ponsel ini bisa bertahan cukup lama, hingga 3 hari dalam sekali charging.

Sisi disain dan kualitas speaker terkesan norak mirip ponsel Cina. Namun, ternyata itu bukan hal buruk. Ada segmen pasar yang memang menginginkan hal seperti itu. Dengan harga Rp 1 jutaan, wajar bila kondisi tersebut justru dimunculkan dalam ponsel ini. Sebuah strategi unik dengan pendekatan baru.

Minimnya fitur jaringan mungkin sedikit menghambat, mengingat banyak ponsel 3G dengan kisaran harga yang sama juga tidak kalah yahud di sisi multimedia. Namun Nokia 5130 tetaplah sebuah produk Nokia. Strategi apapun bisa berbuah bila membeli ‘nama besar’ yang menjadi alasan Anda.

Nokia 5130 Xpress Music

Was similar Bentukannya other XpressMusic family, candybar. Material is lighter artificial material, thin and tend to like toys. This phone has a speaker cone, with small holes on the back of the casing is coated a thin membrane. Arrangements in such a way, to be able to produce a tight sound output.

Okay, from the recorded pretty neat design. But, the keypad was less mennggembirakan. Alphanumeric keys seem a bit cheap and slippery.

In contrast to the previous product XpressMusic, Nokia 5130 is not raised by the open operating system. This means there is no system in the Symbian phone. Platform developers who use the Nokia 5130 is a Series 40 Nokia fifth edition, feature pack 1. That is, this is a closed operating system that runs Nokia's technology based on java MIDP 2.1.

Nokia mobile phone screen is a bit disappointing, which is claimed as a type of TFT but the quality looks like a CSTN). Through the 18-bit color depth (262,144) plus a resolution of 320x240 pixels looks less maximal.

Competitive Features

Music Player

Although not running on an open operating system, the Nokia 5130 XpressMusic is still a phone. Thus, Nokia has invested a number of codecs that are pre-installed in order to support several formats of music. Among them is the AAC, AAC +, AMR, eAAC, eAAC +, MP3, MP4 and WMA.

The music player itself is multitasking. This means that, even if we get out of this application to check the sms for example, the music kept going. To control it, we live-pressing a dedicated button. There are 3 buttons on the left side of the phone, which is prev, and next play.

Quality of output through the speaker phone China mobile phone-style voice. His voice is loud, powerful and sometimes feels 'shrill'. Even so, in fact this side that are sought after by music phone users. Some need to listen to music with friends, or simply accompany a nap and when studying.

Sound output via the headset (3.5 mm audio jack) the quality is quite good. For those who do not really like the sound nge-bass then mobile phone headset is innate needs. But if the desired output voice sounded fuller and better, it is advisable to use a headset other alternatives.

You can adjust the output quality via the regulator equalizer. There are some presets in the Nokia 5130. Could be added 2 new equalizer settings to taste. That is, the problem is not on the quality of the music player the Nokia 5130.

Other Multimedia
In addition to the music player the Nokia 5130 with 2-megapixel digital camera. Without auto focus and flash, this camera somewhat reckless and just there. The result is quite good, especially for outdoor photos. Moreover, this camera can also be used for video recording standard. Small resolution (CIF) with a frame rate of 15 fps.

Besides that, there are FM radio and video player in 3gp and MP4 format. Although the Nokia 5130 internal memory is relatively small, only 30 MB, including pre-installed applications, this phone has a MicroSD slot for additional memory. The maximum capacity that can be accommodated to reach 2 GB. Enough for some videos mpeg-4.

Internet and Browser
Nokia 5130 is not being targeted for businesses, but Internet access remains well supplied. It's just these phone users be satisfied with the speed of GPRS and EDGE. Not as fast as 3G but capable enough to browse some web sites. Well, as a means of opening its Web site, Nokia brings with it the browser that is reliable enough OperaMini.

With the Internet we can oust the program the phone to arrange our email account. Whatever our email protocols, POP3 kah, kah IMAP or SMTP can still be set in this device.

As a means of connecting the phone with another device, the Nokia 5130 provides a software microUSB port USB and Bluetooth version 2.0 latest version (2.0 + EDR). Exchanging business files can be done without problems. Including listening to music via a stereo Bluetooth headset.

To access the Bluetooth headset made from the music player. Where we have to press option and then choose to listen via Bluetooth headset.

Nokia 5130 XpressMusic supported Li-Ion Battery 1020 mAh. A fairly large size for mobile phones without 3G and other energy-intensive features. Practically, this capacity is dedicated for the purpose of most music players. Naturally, if the music player is not too much use, this phone can survive long enough, up to 3 days in one charging.


Side speaker design and quality similar seem tacky Chinese phone. However, it is not a bad thing. There is a market segment that wanted something like that. With the price of Rp 1 million, only natural that these conditions actually appear in this phone. A unique strategy with a new approach.

The lack of network features may be a bit obscure, given the many 3G phones with the same price range also not lose yahud the multimedia side. But the Nokia 5130 remains a Nokia product. Any strategy can be fruitful when buying 'big names' which is the reason you are.

Sony Ericsson W995

Sony Ericsson mengambalikan kejayaan sebuah ponsel Walkman dalam perangkat W995. Pasalnya ponsel musik satu ini juga dilengkapi kemampuan kamera yang tidak main-main, terutama di sisi kinerja dan kualitas.

W995 disebut-sebut juga sebagai upaya Sony Ericcson mengawinkan kemampuan ponsel Cybershot di dalam perangkat Walkman. Tidak salah sih, tapi juga bukan hal yang mengherankan jika melihat tradisi vendor ini di masa lalu. Anda tentu masih ingat fenomena W800 dan K750. Meski tak benar-benar setara, W995 dan C905 bisa jadi fenomena baru yang senada.


Ponsel ini dibuat dalam bentuk slider. Namun tetap mempertahankan kesan kokoh dengan pemilihan materi metal dan pengguna sudut yang tidak terlalu banyak. Nyatanya mekanisme geser yang diusung pun bagus’, dalam artian tetap enak meski kadang terkesan sedikit berat.

Identitas musik ponsel ini sangat serasi saat disandingkan dengan ciri khas kamera. Dimana tombol-tombol musik (multimedia) diletakkan berdampingan dengan tombol kamera di satu sisi yang sama. Dipisahkan oleh tombol volume yang juga berfungsi sebagai tombol zooming.
Penempatan ini bukan tanpa maksud. Memindahkan hampir semua tombol di satu sisi akan meninggalkan sisi lain dalam kondisi kosong, atau paling tidak hanya ditempati port data tradisional Sony Ericsson. Artinya, ponsel ini memang disiapkan untuk diletakkan miring (horisontal alias landscape) saat kita bermaksud menikmati file video. Dimana dalam kondisi ini, sisi yang penuh tombol akan berada di atas.

Hal ini juga diperkuat dengan disediakannya ‘stand’ atau dudukan khusus yang diletakkan dibagian casing belakang. Cukup unik, mengingat selain bisa digunakan sebagai dudukan ponsel saat diletakkan miring, logam berbentuk oval bolong ini juga bisa digunakan sebagai gantungan untuk meletakkan ponsel di bidang yang tinggi, atau sebuah carabiner.

Sayangnya, ponsel ini tidak terlalu royal di sisi layar. Saat pesaingnya sudah mulai menggunakan layar dengan kedalaman warna yang tinggi, Sony Ericsson W995 masih menggunakan tipe layar yang sama dengan kedalaman klasik (262.144 warna). Hal ini mungkin harus dipilih karena merupakan standar kebutuhan software yang berjalan di ponsel ini.

Sementara itu, keypad W995 tidak menimbulkan masalah yang berarti bagi penggunanya. Meski untuk mereka yang berjari besar sekalipun.

Tak ada yang bisa menyangkal fleksibilitas software bawaan Sony Ericsson. Dalam hal dukungan terhadap banyak tipe aplikasi java, ponsel-ponsel Sony Ericsson masih yang terdepan. Dan W995 masih menganut hal ini.

Meski tanpa sistem operasi terbuka, platform java yang ditanamkan vendor sudah cukup untuk mempercantik tampilan dan meningkatan produktivitas ponsel ini. Antarmuka pun tidak jauh berbeda dari ponsel-ponsel Sony Ericsson lain. Namun dengan tambahan Akselerometer kita bisa mengubah orientasi layar tanpa harus menekan tombol apapun.
Sayangnya, beberapa kali ditemukan lambatnya sistem. Baik ketika menjelajah menu yang ada ataupun ketika mengetik sms. Bahkan akan lebih parah saat akselerometer aktif dan layar dalam kondisi baru berubah orientasi. Namun hal ini berangsur-angsur membaik jika kita menggunakannya cukup lama, asalkan layar dalam kondisi tidak pernah mati.

Walkman Player
Walkman versi anyar telah disuntikkan dalam produk ini. Namun secara mendasar, bisa dikatakan tidak banyak perubahan. Kalaupun ada penambahan, hal tersebut merupakan terobosan lawas yang mulai didengungkan kembali semisal SenseMe.

SenseMe yang diyakini mampu mengenali file musik berdasarkan tempo ketukan dan memisahkannya ke dalam mood yang berbeda kini mulai ‘akan’ diperkenalkan di perangkat game portabel Sony semisal PSP dan PSP Go. Bahkan fitur ini sempat disebut beberapa kali dalam presentasi sistem baru PSP sebagai sebuah ‘gimmick’ atau fitur yang diunggulkan.
Meski tidak terlalu populer, pengguna ponsel Walkman sudah mengenal fitur ini. Dan beruntung bagi Anda, W995 pun menyediakan fitur ini.

Masih seperti dulu, Walkman player masuk dalam satu paket bersama fitur Media yang memuat pemutar musik, video, foto, podcast dan RSS feed. Dimana keinerjanya sudah tidak asing lagi bagi pengguna ponsel Sony Ericsson, termasuk kemampaun mengenal file musik, ID3tags, sorting file yang baik dan kualitas output-nya.

Sebagai sebuiah ponsel musik, tak mengherankan jika W995 menyediakan dua corong speaker yang bersifat stereo dan sebuah port audio 3.5 mm tepat di atas ponsel. Dua hal ini mampu mendorong kualitas musik yang dimainkan dengan lebih baik lagi.

Meski tidak benar-benar baik, keluaran suara melalui speaker terbilang keras. Namun karena sifat speaker ponsel yang kecil dengan daya yang terbatas juga, maka suara keras ini tidak terlalu berkarakter. Kita bisa menyetarakannya dengan berbagai produk seri N Nokia.

Port audio 3.5 mm menjadi sandaran akhir penikmat musik. Menawarkan kualitas headset bawaan yang sudah cukup baik, dan kemungkinan menggunakan headset serta speaker eksternal pihak ketiga yang jumlahnya tidak sedikit, menjadikan cara mendengarkan musik lewat portal ini sebuah keharusan untuk kualitas terbaik.

Khusus untuk video, walaupun disain produk ini mengisyaratkan kecenderuangan W995 terhadap jenis file ini, tidak banyak yang bisa kita dapatkan. Pemutar video masih berkutat dalam mempresentasikan file-file tradisioanla, yaitu 3gp dan MP4 dengan kemampuan terbatas. Maksudnya tidak semua MP4, terutama yang menggunakan kombinasi codec berbeda, bisa dimainkan di ponsel ini. Jika saja ada dukungan divx/xvid tentu akan lain soal.

Bisa dibilang, Sony Ericsson membawa fitur yang sedikit lebih baik sehingga dapat menghasilkan gambar yang lebih berkualitas.
Satu kekurangan kamera W995 adalah dibiarkannya lensa kamera terbuka anpa ada tutup atau mekanisme tertentu untuk melindunginya dari debu dan benturan keras. Namun soal kinerja, kamera ini boleh diadu bahkan dengan saudaranya sendiri sesama Sony Ericsson,C905.

Sejumlah pengaturan kamera profesinal hadir. Dan dengan autofokus yang optimal, dengan mode pengenalan wajah, senyum hingga mencapai lebih dari tiga titik fokus, maka hasilnya bisa memuaskan.
Seperi biasa hasil foto Sony Ericsson tidak menonjolkan warna obyek. Cenderung datar saja seakan menampilkan warna aslinya. Namun hasil foto menunjukkan ketajaman yang optimal, baik pada foto indoor makro maupun outdoor.

Begitu pula di sisi perekam video, kamera bekerja baik dalam menghasilkan video berukuran WQVGA 30 fps. Tidak sebesar hasil video Nokia N86 memang, namun sudah dibuat wide sehingga lebih nyaman saat ditonton di ponsel dalam kondisi layar horisontal.

Ponsel ini telah dilengkapi modem dengan kemampuan HSDPA dan HSUPA. Dimana kecepatan download bisa mencapai maksimal 7.2 mbps dan kecepatan upload mencapai 2.0 mbps. Ini merupakan tren baru modem jaringan pada ponsel yang sudah dimulai terlebih dahulu oleh beberapa perangkat ponsel terdahulu.
Dengan teknologi tersebut di atas, maka kita bisa lebih cepat melakukan uploading file, baik foto maupun video ke internet semisal Facebook. Bandingkan dengan HSDPA biasa dengan kecepatan upload file maksimum hanya di angka 384 kbps.

W995 juga dilengkapi GPS receiver internal. Perangkat ini kemudian dilengkapi dengan fitur Wayfinder Navigator dan Google Maps GPS inipun bisa digunakan untuk menorehkan informasi lokasi dalam foto kamera.

W995 dipersenjatai baterai jenis lithium Polymer berkapasitas 930 mAh. Standar saja, mengingat ini adalah baterai li-po yang terkenal lebih awet. Meski demikian dengan seabrek fitur boros energi yang dibawanya, baterai W995 sanggup bertahan 2 hari dalam sekali charging dengan pemakaian yag optimal.

kelebihan :Walkman versi 4, SenseMe, Kamera 8 megapixel, GPS, HSDPA, HSUPA, akselerometer,
kekurangan :Sistem lambat, tidak ada penutup lensa, tidak ada dokumen viewer.

Sony Ericsson W995

Sony Ericsson mengambalikan triumph in a Walkman phone W995 device. The reason is the music phone is also equipped with a camera capabilities that are not playing games, especially on the performance and quality.

W995 is also mentioned as an effort to marry Sony Ericcson Cybershot phone capabilities in the Walkman device. No one really, but it's not too surprising to see these vendors tradition in the past. You remember the phenomenon of W800 and K750. Although not completely equivalent, W995 and C905 could be a new phenomenon that match.


The phone is made in the form of the slider. However, maintaining a solid impression with the selection of metal material and the angle the user is not too much. In fact the sliding mechanism was not carried was good, in the sense remains good although sometimes seemed a bit heavy.

Musical identity is very compatible phone when juxtaposed with the camera characteristics. Where is the music keys (multimedia) placed beside the camera button on one side of the same. Separated by the volume keys that also serves as a zoom button.
This placement is not without purpose. Move almost all the buttons on one side to the other side left in the empty condition, or at least not only traditional data ports occupied by Sony Ericsson. This means that this mobile phone is prepared to put his side (aka horizontal landscape) as we intend to enjoy the video file. Where in this condition, the side will be full of buttons on top.

This is also strengthened by the availability of 'stand' or a special holder placed behind casing dibagian. Quite unique, since in addition can be used as a phone holder when placed side, perforated metal oval can also be used as a hook to put the phone in areas of high, or a Carabiner.

Unfortunately, this phone is not too generous on the screen. While competitors have started using the screen with high color depth, Sony Ericsson W995 is still using the same type of screen with classical depth (262,144 colors). This may be selected because it is a standard requirement that the software running on this phone.

Meanwhile, the W995's keypad does not cause significant problems for users. Although for those who fingered big ones.

No one can deny the inherent flexibility of software Sony Ericsson. In terms of support for many types of java applications, mobile phones Sony Ericsson is still at the forefront. And the W995 is still embrace it.

Although no open operating systems, embedded java platform vendor is sufficient to enhance the appearance and increase the productivity of this phone. The interface was not much different from mobile phones Sony Ericsson else. But with the addition of accelerometer we can change the orientation of the screen without pressing any button.
Unfortunately, several times in slow systems. Whether browsing or menu when typing sms. Will be even more severe when the active accelerometer and screen in the new conditions changed orientation. But this gradually improve if we use it long enough, provided the screen in a condition never die.

Walkman Player
Newer versions of the Walkman has been injected in this product. But fundamentally, it can be said not much change. If there are additions, it is a breakthrough that started lawas such SenseMe buzzed again.

SenseMe are believed capable of recognizing the music files based on tempo beats and separated them into different mood is beginning to 'will' be introduced on portable gaming devices like Sony PSP and PSP Go. In fact this feature had mentioned several times in the presentation of the new PSP system as a 'gimmick' or features underdog.
Although not very popular, Walkman users are familiar with this feature. And lucky for you, the W995 also offers this feature.

Still the same, Walkman player into a package together that includes media features music player, video, photos, podcasts and RSS feeds. Where keinerjanya familiar for Sony Ericsson mobile phone users, including music files kemampaun know, ID3tags, good file sorting and quality output.

As a music phone sebuiah, not surprisingly, W995 provides two cones that are stereo speakers and a 3.5 mm audio port directly above the phone. Two things are able to push the quality of music played with better.

Though not really good, the sound output through speakers spelled out loud. But because the nature of the small mobile speakers with limited resources, too, the loud voice is not very character. We can menyetarakannya with Nokia N series products.

3.5 mm audio port into the back end of the music lovers. Offering an innate quality of the headset is good enough, and the possibility of using a headset and external speakers that a third party not a little amount, makes listening to music through this portal a must for the best quality.

Especially for video, although this product design suggest kecenderuangan W995 to this file type, not much we can get. Video player is still struggling in the present tradisioanla files, namely 3gp and MP4 with limited capabilities. It means not all MP4, particularly those using different combinations of codecs, can be played on this phone. If only there was support for divx / xvid would be another matter.

Sony Ericsson brings features a little better so that it can produce higher quality picture.
One deficiency W995 camera is let open the camera lens cap or anpa no specific mechanism to protect it from dust and heavy impact. But about performance, this camera may be pitted against his own brother even with fellow Sony Ericsson, C905.

A number of camera settings profesinal present. And with optimal autofocus, face recognition mode, a smile to reach more than three focal points, the results can be satisfactory.
Are like ordinary photographs of Sony Ericsson does not highlight the color of objects. Tend to be flat like the original color displays. However, the results showed the optimum sharpness, both at macro and indoor photos outdoors.

Likewise, the video recorder, camera works well in producing a video 30 fps sized WQVGA. Not for the Nokia N86's video, but has made wide so it is more comfortable when viewing the phone in horizontal display condition.

This phone has a modem equipped with HSDPA and HSUPA capabilities. Where is the download speeds can reach up to 7.2 Mbps and upload speeds reaching 2.0 Mbps. This is a new trend in mobile phone modem network that has begun in advance by some previous mobile devices.
With the above technology, we can more quickly make uploading files, both images and video to the Internet such as Facebook. Comparing with ordinary HSDPA with a maximum upload speed is only at 384 kbps rate.

W995 also features an internal GPS receiver. This device is equipped with features and Wayfinder Navigator and Google Maps GPS the program can be used to carve the location information in the camera image.

W995 armed Polymer lithium battery capacity of 930 mAh. Standard course, considering this is a li-po batteries are known more durable. Yet with energy-intensive feature seabrek brought, W995 battery could survive 2 days in one charging with the optimal use of yag.


(+) Walkman version 4, SenseMe, 8 megapixel camera, GPS, HSDPA, HSUPA, accelerometer,
(-) Slow system, no lens cover, there is no document viewer.

BlackBerry Curve 8520 Gemini

Physically, the BlackBerry 8520 aka Gemini similar to the Javelin and Tour. Naturally, this is the third series comes from the portfolio in the same family, the Curve. Only, Gemini body look even smaller than the two previous series.
Striking differences in the design of the cover material, keypad and screen. Gemini to cover the material, the material used is a combination of soft plastic and rubber. As a result, this smartphone also resilient.

Keypad sector, although just as Javelin, Tour and Bold, unfortunately, Gemini QWERTY keypad feels more mini than the other series QWERTY keypad.

Problem screen, the BlackBerry Gemini has a size slightly larger than Javelin. Ie, 2.64 inches. However, for far less screen resolution. Gemini is only 320x240 pixels, 480x360 pixels while the Javelin. Types used the same screen, the TFT 65,536 colors.

OS and Interface
Not like the Tour, BlackBerry Gemini still using the old operating system versions, namely v4.6.1, similar Javelin or Bold.

Problem interface, Curve 8520 handset is identical to the same software version with: Javelin and Bold. Structure and use the menu icons were similar.

BlackBerry Applications and Features
Like previous models, the BlackBerry Gemini still carries typical facility. Call it Push Mail, which for the moment there is still no match commercially.

For the setting, the BlackBerry OS has the ability to inject the automatic settings via the setup wizard. So, do not have to bother anymore and there set up as Pull Mail on other phones.

Another distinctive feature is the BlackBerry Messenger, which allows us to communicate in real time like a chat using a chat account from standard chat client, which is also provided (Yahoo! Messenger, Google Talk, ICQ, Windows Live and AIM).

Like the Symbian mobile operating bersistem, Windows Mobile and Android, BlackBerry OS open regardless of their nature and can be added to the various applications of third-party development

Not like the Bold and Curve 8320, BlackBerry 8520 has no internal GPS receiver. However, to simply monitor a specific location can count on Gemini LBS line operators. BlackBerry typical digital map was ready to be explored.

Gemini equipped BlackBerry magnitude 2 MP camera, just as Bold. It's just not equipped with LED flash and auto focus. Though less visible light, because the low light absorption, but the Story images can be perfect and smooth. Images can be recorded maximum is 1600x1200 pixels.

There was also a music player / video, Image / Pictue Viewer, Voice recording and a few games. Unfortunately, despite having an open operating system, you can not simply insert a variety of third-party content to this Curve 8520.

The reason, which carries an internal memory is relatively small smartphone for mobile size and role. That is, only as much as 256 MB (shared). Meanwhile, applications from outside could only be installed to internal memory. Yet still supported with micro SD card slot maksmal 16GB capacity. Just like the Tour and the Javelin.

Connectivity & Network
Problem connection, Gemini provides a riveting tool. There's WiFi, Bluetooth and microUSB data cable. About performance, each of these connection media able to work with the maximum. However, what's in a WiFi if you only use it for just fun to make friends. Overall, this phone connection point quite well and can work with a maximum.

Like most BlackBerry, Internet browsing capabilities of this smartphone using BlackBerry typical browser. For its network, the BlackBerry Gemini is only supported EDGE network then only 10 classes.

Gemini battery used with Javelin and Tour, type lithium ion. Only, powernya capacities are slightly different.

In applying the 8520 Curve for 1150 mAh battery, a big defeat that could be compared Tour reaches the 100-kilo gram. Once charging can last 2 days with the use of standr


(+) Pushmail, BIS / BES, WiFi, 3.5 mm audio slot, trackpad

(-) No 3G, no internal GPS, QWERTY keypad little impressed

BlackBerry Curve 8520 Gemini

Ponsel besutan vendor asal Canada ini menawarkan harga yang relatif terjangkau. Namun, tetap menyediakan fitur dan fasilitas yang lengkap, tak jauh beda dengan seri sebelumnya.

Secara fisik, BlackBerry 8520 alias Gemini serupa dengan Javelin maupun Tour. Wajar, ketiga seri ini memang berasal dari portofolio di keluarga yang sama, yakni Curve. Hanya, bodi Gemini terlihat lebih mungil ketimbang dua seri sebelumnya.
Perbedaan mencolok di sisi disain adalah material cover, keypad dan layar. Untuk material cover Gemini, bahan yang digunakan merupakan kombinasi plastik lembut dan karet. Alhasil, smartphone ini pun tahan banting.

Di sektor keypad, meski sama seperti Javelin, Tour maupun Bold, sayang, tombol QWERTY Gemini terasa lebih mini dibanding tombol QWERTY seri lainnya.

Soal layar, BlackBerry Gemini memiliki ukuran yang sedikit lebih besar ketimbang Javelin. Yakni, 2.64 inci. Namun, untuk resolusi layar kalah jauh. Gemini hanya 320x240 piksel, sementara Javelin 480x360 piksel. Jenis layar yang digunakan sama, yaitu TFT 65.536 warna.

OS dan Interface
Tak seperti Tour, BlackBerry Gemini masih menggunakan versi sistem operasi lama, yakni v4.6.1, serupa Javelin maupun Bold.

Soal interface, Curve 8520 ini identik dengan handset ber-versi software yang sama dengannya: Javelin dan Bold. Struktur serta ikon menu yang digunakan pun serupa.

Aplikasi dan Fitur BlackBerry
Seperti model-model terdahulu, BlackBerry Gemini tetap membawa fasilitas khas. Sebut saja Push Mail, yang untuk saat ini masih belum ada tandingannya secara komersil.

Untuk pengaturannya, OS BlackBerry sudah menyuntikan kemampuan setting otomatis via setup Wizard. Jadi, tak perlu repot lagi mengatur sana-sini layaknya Pull Mail di ponsel-ponsel lain.

Fitur khas lainnya ada BlackBerry Messenger, yang memungkinkan kita berkomunikasi secara real time layaknya chatting menggunakan akun chat dari client chat standar, yang juga disediakan (Yahoo! Messenger, Google Talk, ICQ, Windows Live dan AIM).

Seperti halnya ponsel bersistem operasi Symbian, Windows Mobile maupun Android, OS BlackBerry pun sifatnya terbuka dan masih bisa ditambahkan dengan berbagai aplikasi hasil kembangan pihak ketiga

Tak seperti Bold dan Curve 8320, BlackBerry 8520 tak dilengkapi receiver GPS internal. Namun, untuk sekadar memantau lokasi tertentu Gemini bisa mengandalkan jalur LBS operator. Peta digital khas BlackBerry pun siap sedia untuk dijelajahi.

BlackBerry Gemini dilengkapi kamera berkekuatan 2 MP, sama seperti Bold. Hanya saja, tak dilengkapi dengan LED flash dan auto fokus. Meski terlihat kurang terang, karena serapan cahayanya minim, namun ditail gambar bisa tampil sempurna dan halus. Gambar maksimal yang bisa direkam adalah 1600x1200 piksel.

Selain itu ada juga pemutar musik/video, Image/Pictue Viewer, Voice recording serta beberapa buah game. Sayang, meski memiliki sistem operasi terbuka, Anda tak bisa begitu saja menyisipkan berbagai konten pihak ketiga ke Curve 8520 ini.

Pasalnya, memori internal yang disandang smartphone ini terbilang kecil untuk ponsel seukurannya. Yakni, hanya sebesar 256 MB (shared). Sementara, aplikasi dari luar pun hanya bisa diinstal ke memori internal. Meski demikian masih didukung dengan slot kartu micro SD yang berkapasitas maksmal 16GB. Sama seperti Tour maupun Javelin.

Konektivitas & Network
Soal koneksi, Gemini menyediakan sarana yang memukau. Ada WiFi, Bluetooth dan kabel data microUSB. Soal performa, masing-masing media koneksi tersebut sanggup bekerja dengan maksimal. Namun, apalah arti sebuah WiFi jika Anda hanya memanfaatkannya untuk sekadar iseng mencari teman. Secara keseluruhan, jalur koneksi ponsel ini cukup baik dan bisa bekerja dengan maksimal.

Seperti BlackBerry kebanyakan, kemampuan browsing internet smartphone ini menggunakan browser khas BlackBerry. Untuk network-nya, BlackBerry Gemini hanya disupport jaringan EDGE itu pun hanya kelas 10.

Baterai yang digunakan Gemini sama dengan Javelin dan Tour, jenisnya lithium ion. Hanya, kapasitas powernya saja yang sedikit beda.

Di Curve 8520 menerapkan baterai sebesar 1150 mAh, kalah besar dibanding Tour yang bisa mencapai 100-an kilo gram. Sekali pengisian bisa bertahan 2 hari dengan penggunaan standr


(+) Pushmail, BIS/BES, WiFi, 3.5 mm audio slot, TrackPad

(-)Tidak 3G, Tanpa GPS internal, keypad QWERTY terkesan mungil

Nokia 2730 Classic

Ordinary does not mean no one can unseeded. Despite its presence in markets far from the impression of 'well', the Nokia 2730 Classic had kept hidden potential. Targeting the untapped gaps in the low end market, the latest series of Nokia is ready to capture enthusiasts.

If you view the ability of the Nokia 2730 Classic as a whole, in fact nothing was too prominent. However, in his class this phone is actually quite attractive thanks to top class messaging capabilities and 3G network support equal.

Phone display is very simple and not all kinds. Like other classical types. Rod aka candybar design, half over the front of the polished glossy black plastic combined gilt metal color.

Problem Screen, Nokia seemed to feel quite injected with the power of TFT LCD 262,144 million colors (320 x 240 pixels) display with a diagonal of 2 inches.

Series 40 user interface on the Nokia 6730 Classic is relying on a model similar icons Symbian S60 3rd Edition FP latest. Although no attractive animation effects, it is displayed the menu grid quite satisfactory.

Without the need to position ourselves as a multimedia phone, the Nokia 2730 Classic completeness in this sector can still be relied upon. Not current but the technology still has not stuck behind the times.

Backed with a 2 megapixel camera but without autofocus or flash. Image sharpness and color composition not as good as the 2-megapixel camera phone other Nokia 5230 XpressMusic such. Moreover, on this phone viewfinder narrow, so the camera angle that captured not so wide.

To record a video, this camera can only record limited to 176x144 pixels (CIF) with a maximum frame rate of 10 fps. Videos will appear in 3gp format that can be played through a standard video player.

Despite playing in the 2730 Classic low end segment, but treats to access data services on this phone worth calculated. With classmate 3G roaming capabilities, this phone can browse the website at maximum speed 128/384 kbps (upload / download).

To support access to cyberspace, the Nokia 2730 Classic is equipped Opera Mini 4.1. As a result faster data access than innate browser used the Finnish vendor. In addition, the performance of data compression has Opera Mini is better so that the cost of GPRS is more efficient.

Speaking of data transfer, 2730 Classic is equipped with Bluetooth A2DP support for moving files or documents wirelessly. Also available port data cable for data transfer via PC. Nokia 2730 Classic can also be used as a modem though a low end phone.

In terms of messaging and email, the Nokia 2730 Classic classified as complete in its class. The email form feature of this phone really optimized. Once access to the user's email menu presented with many choices ranging from Ovi Mail, AIM Mail, AOL Mail, Windows Live Hotmail, Yahoo Mail and Gmail.

Interestingly, users can add several accounts at once in each email service provider. Also accounts outside email services like Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail and others, users can add their own account.

In addition, it entered the e-mail account, users can take advantage of various features ranging from Open, Reply, Quick Reply, Delete, Delete Many, New Compose, Forward, Mark Unread, Save Address, Move, Folders, E-mail alerts, Signature, Setting , Help, and Refresh.

Special Mail Ovi, Nokia provides special access to get a new email in Ovi Get Mail. Also Ovi services integrated instant messaging that can be accessed in the messaging menu> IMs.

This phone's internal memory of 30 MB is claimed, but because of its split, the remaining for storage of only about 12.3 MB. Fortunately provided an external memory slot for microSD cards with a maximum capacity of 2GB.

To support mobile activities, the vendor provides a lithium ion battery with 1050 mAh capacity. For class Classic 2730, it provided support of this battery is enough. In normal use, the battery can hold 2 days of each pengecasan maximum. (*)


excess :3G, lengkaap messaging support (direct access email accounts such as Ovi, Yahoo, Gmail, etc), Nokia Maps, 3.5-mm audio port, Opera Mini

deficiency :Standard multimedia features, unusual design, the small screen.